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ROTA lyrics
Rota is the youngest of the famous Polish national songs: it was created in the 20th century. The song's text was written in 1908 by Maria Konopnicka; the music added two years later by Feliks Nowowiejski. Konopnicka's poem was a protest against the Prussian legislation that introduced a gradual expropriation of Polish land owners in the Prussian partition of Poland (remaining under Prussian occupation in 1795-1918).
History: http://www.usc.edu/dept/polish_music/repertoi/rota.html
Polish text: |
English translation: |
Nie rzucim ziemi, skąd nasz ród. | We won't forsake the land we came from, |
Nie damy pogrześć mowy. | We won't let our speech be buried. |
Polski my naród, polski lud, | We are the Polish nation, the Polish people, |
Królewski szczep piastowy. | From the royal line of Piast. |
Nie damy, by nas zniemczył wróg. | We won't let the foe Germanize us. |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Do krwi ostatniej kropli z żył | To the last blood drop in our veins |
Bronić będziemy Ducha, | We will defend our Spirit |
Aż się rozpadnie w proch i w pył | Till into dust and ash shall fall, |
Krzyżacka zawierucha. | The Teutonic Order's windstorm. |
Twierdzą nam będzie każdy próg. | Every doorsill shall be a fortress. |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Nie będzie Niemiec pluł nam w twarz | The German won't spit in our face, |
Ni dzieci nam germanił, | Nor Germanize our children, |
Orężny wstanie hufiec nasz, | Our host will arise in arms, |
Duch będzie nam hetmanił. | Holy Spirit will lead the way. |
Pójdziem, gdy zabrzmi złoty róg. | We'll set out when the golden horn calls. |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Nie damy miana Polski zgnieść | We won't have Poland's name defamed, |
Nie pójdziem żywo w trumnę. | We won't step alive into a grave. |
Na Polski imię, na jej cześć | In Poland's name, in its honor |
Podnosim czoła dumne, | We lift our foreheads proudly, |
Odzyska ziemię dziadów wnuk. | The grandson will regain his forefathers' land |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |
Tak nam dopomóż Bóg! | So help us God! |